Sunday, March 23, 2008

Stuck Rubber Crappy

Seriously? That was a novel? That was boring. It was dull and uneventful. It was like reading fucking Dickens. You're writing a story set in the South during the Civil Rights era, with a closeted homosexual protagonist, and you manage to make it this fucking dull?

Why am I not published? Is this what I have to do? Churn out 200 pages of non-events?

Anyway, I finished writing Sven Fjorden. He's pretty awesome. There may or may not be bear headshots and axe decapitations.


Trace! said...

I'm looking forward to your comic.

PS. I put the new Paramore video up in my blog.

Pat said...

1) I really like Dickens. Quite a bit. Don't compare Stuck Rubber Baby to Dickens. It doesn't even come close.

2) I didn't mean to suggest that this is a survey class, but it is, for 20 out of 25 people, an intro to this format -- not to mention that Maus is better than all of the books we've read so far. It's like, say, taking a class called The British Novel and NOT reading Dickens. Even if you don't like Dickens, ignoring him in such a class would be foolish.