Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Worst Nights of Your Life

For as far back as I can consciously remember, which is like, age four, I've thrown up maybe six times. That's not definite, but there's no way in hell it's more than ten, and six sounds just about right. It's not that I don't get sick, it's just that I never throw up - my body has failed me in hundreds of different ways, but that's one problem I've never had.

Which means every time I throw up, I forget how horrible and disgusting and terrible it is. I completely forget, I live four years of my life, and then things like last night happen, and I'm kneeling in front of the toilet for ten minutes.

Then, I try to sit cross-legged to regain some composure, and my right leg immediately goes into Charlie Horse mode. So I've been throwing up for ten minutes and now I'm writing in agony on the bathroom floor, punching my leg.

Jesus christ.

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