Sunday, May 4, 2008

The end of a semester is tough. It's because I like some sense of closure. The part of me that watches romantic comedies and action movies wants there to be a climax and a denouement, for everything to feel like it's ended. It never feels that way. It's like we're all chugging along, chatting it up in class, talking about graphic novels, and then it's over. I never see anyone again, or if I do, we pretend we don't recognize each other. Half-acquaintances formed, and then left behind.

Looking at the blogs, I can see that abrupt ending. Some people haven't posted since Fun Home, or V for Vendetta. Some say "placeholder post!" and have said that for months. It's like none of it mattered. It's like there wasn't even this class.

I always find it strange to think that after four months, I'm suddenly supposed to be at least generally proficient in four to six additional topics. I never feel any smarter. It's good times, and it keeps me busy, but how much of this growth is from the classes, how much from the assignments, and how much just from talking to people and growing older? If I wasn't getting a degree, would time spent studying really be time better spent than time kayaking? Not that I would kayak. I'd probably just watch Top Chef. So, yeah, it probably is better.

Spencer, you're the only one reading this. Maybe. Hi, Spencer. I'm almost done with my project. It actually kind of sucks, but I guess I can take a B.

1 comment:

metaspencer said...

The end of a blog! So sad to see it go! :(