Sunday, April 27, 2008

My paper is actually going smoothly. This was unexpected. Once I got the conceit hammered out, everything just sort of fell into place. Now I just have to focus on production, which is bad times, because my car is out of commission for a few days, so I can't go off-campus to get supplies. I might have to cut it a little close to the wire, but I should still finish a few days ahead of time. I don't want to leave any room for error.

The reason I didn't turn in a rough draft isn't because I'm a pretentious jerk whose art shouldn't be viewed until it's finished because it would ruin the creative process. It's because I want it to be a surprise and for Spencer to be like, "What the fuck is going on" as he looks at my project. But I think it will work well. And it's the kind of thing that requires a sort of constant editing, beyond what a single "rough draft" would put me at.

I bought beer for the first time last Friday. It was pretty anti-climactic. Now, there are no birthdays to look forward to. I guess 35. At 35, I can be president. Or is that 40?

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