Monday, April 21, 2008

It's almost all over. Two more weeks, then finals. I don't really count finals. I always make a big show of how I'm going to study for finals and get straight A's and learn German and train for the Olympics, but then I just watch television. So, two more weeks.

I was up until 4:30 last night, writing a paper about Dracula. Bad times. I'm mildly pissed because A) I'm still tired and B) I wasn't able to start on this project, like I planned. I'm also having difficulties figuring out how the rough draft is going to work, specifically how I'm going to do it without spoiling the effect of the final version.

I stress out a little, then I just watch this 20-second clip from Flight of the Conchords.

1 comment:

Pat said...

I was just looking at your profile and I have to say that I kind of strongly disagree with anything by Jonathan Safran Foer being good enough to be considered a "favorite." Let the pointless arguing begin!